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2月26日, 2024

【Music Across Borders】 乐融音海古典音乐会将于3月份隆重登场肯尼迪音乐厅!🎶  华裔音乐天才沈恬逸 携手耶鲁演出团队 【Music Across Borders全球巡演】 大华府站 🎶  在这个音乐的盛宴中,让我们一同迎来新一代的华裔音乐之星——沈恬逸!他是国际舞台上备受瞩目的新星,被誉为下一个朗朗的音乐奇才,即将在大华府地区掀起一场古典音乐风暴!   本场音乐会由美中工商联合会主办,Ensemble ClassiCORE 荣誉呈献。这是一场耶鲁音乐学院杰出毕业生倾情奉献的音乐盛典,汇聚了新一代中国音乐艺术家。激发自深深的中华文化情感,融合耶鲁全球视野的灵感,乐融音海秉持古典音乐之灵魂,致力于向全球分享这一音乐之美,传承其深远的文化影响力。由美中工商联合会执掌主办,这场音乐会将为观众带来一场跨越国界的视听盛宴。[...]

1月24日, 2024

The United States - China Association of Commerce (USCAC) is thrilled to announce a spectacular musical event, "Music Across Borders," featuring the groundbreaking Ensemble ClassiCORE. Set to take place at the prestigious Kennedy Center on March 22nd, 2024, this concert promises an enchanting blend of classical music, cultural diversity, and artistic brilliance. Ensemble ClassiCORE, an instrumental ensemble founded by a new generation of Chinese artists, embodies the spirit of innovation and cultural fusion. Comprising talented musicians, all alumni of the renowned Yale School of Music, the ensemble draws inspiration from their deep connection to Chinese culture and the global perspectives[...]

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